Hardware & Service Packages
- Remote Network Package
- Access your home or office from anywhere in the world
- Secure VPN tunnels
- Full network functionality: printing, file sharing, remote desktop
- Have employees work from off site
- Connect to your clients, or have them connect to you
- Wireless Package
- All the hardware necessary to get your network running wirelessly
- Full security implementation to prevent unauthorized use
- Laptops set up to be used at any location with a wireless network
- Network features configured (printing, file sharing, internet sharing)
- Connect to your clients, or have them connect to you
Custom Computer Configuration
- Thorough knowledge of most hardware platforms
- Familiarity with popular operating systems
- Computers are configured to fit the needs of the client, so we won't try to sell you equipment that you won't use
- Competitive pricing
- Preconfigured Basic, Business, and Gaming systems available
- Service Guarentees*
- Full access to reliable and brand name networking equipment
- Thorough knowledge of the quality and features of most equipment
- Prices competitive to retail stores
- Discounted prices when combined with networking service
*Service guarentees are given on a per system basis and do not cover any hardware
modifications done after construction by us. In addition, software setup of the OS and
basic software package is covered in the service guarentee provided that changes by the end
user have not occured.